Even Your Hairstylist
Doesn’t Know the Perfect Style and Color for You…
Dear Ladies,
I remember my last
horrific visit to the salon like it was yesterday. I was trying out a new salon after having yet
another nightmare experience somewhere else, and I was looking nervously into
the mirror after watching the stylist carefully mixing the colors behind me.
I wasn’t taking any
chances this time…I had cut pictures out of magazines, printed off stuff from the
web and even brought in samples of my hair from the last time to show what I didn’t want. An hour later I left the salon, on the verge
of tears again, wanting to scream in frustration. How difficult should it be to get the perfect
cut and color?!
For years I’d been
trying our different styles and colors, and my frustration was compounded by
the fact that the stylists just didn’t seem capable of doing what I
wanted. I’m no runway model-far from
it-but neither do I want to look like I’ve given up…as much as I feel like it
If you’re anything like
me, perhaps you’ve had a similar experience. I keep wishing that I could walk into a salon and sit in some magic chair that could project my image onto the wall and magically change my hair into any hairstyle or color imaginable, so the stylist and I both could see exactly what I wanted.
“I know, it sounds like something out of a StarTrek show, you know, where they can magically change their hair and clothes on the holodeck…but why not? It’s the 21st century!”
I even thought about trying to find an inventor who could do this, after all, if I had thought of it probably lots of women had imagined such a thing, and then I discovered that someone had already done it.
I found a website that had taken my idea (well, maybe it wasn’t just ‘my idea’), and not only given it life, but taken it to an entirely new level.
I discovered that TheHairStyler.com is the world’s leading online authority for all things hair. Not only did I find a library full of expert fashion advice, but they actually have thousands of hairstyles you can ‘try on’, by uploading your own picture and then customizing it with any hairstyle you can imagine.
And these are not weird, computer generated hairstyles, but hairstyles taken from pictures of real-life celebrities and models, a style that someone, somewhere has already created and used successfully.
“I was so thrilled…here was exactly what I had been dreaming about for years-any style and color I wanted, without an expensive trip to the salon!”
I uploaded my photo and began trying on hairstyles from the most beautiful and successful women in the world. I quickly realized that what I thought would look good just didn’t look quite right. Then I realized that I hadn’t played with the hair color yet.
You see, I’ve always known in my mind exactly the hair color I wanted. I saw it on Renee Russo in a movie years ago, but have never been able to get it just the way I wanted…so even though I liked some of the hairstyles I was seeing on myself, I hadn’t adjusted the hair color.
And yet, there it was, right in front of me…I could adjust the hair thickness, length, add waves or curls, or go straight, and adjust not only the color, but the tone of the hair color itself! I never understood why I couldn’t communicate what I wanted to the stylist…and now I realized that he probably didn’t know either, but now I could actually see it.
But still…it wasn’t quite right. For a moment I was a little frustrated, here was the very thing I had dreamed about and yet something wasn’t quite right. Then I saw that I had skipped the questionnaire section…so I clicked on it, and wow!
The system prompted me to answer 19 questions…most of which I had never even thought about before. For example, I discovered that all these things should be taken into consideration when choosing a hairstyle and color:
· Skin color
· Age
· Skin tone
· Height
· Eye color
· Hair Density
· Hair Length
· Body Build
And more…
Suddenly I realized why I’d been so unhappy with so many other haircuts…what looked good on someone else on TV didn’t work for me if my face shape or even eye color was different. It all made perfect sense and I almost felt silly for not thinking about it before.
“And yet, never before I had been able to actually see the different colors and styles on MY face, without having to live with a mistake for weeks or months.”
The library of images to choose from was mindboggling…thousands of photos of every imaginable style and color. In fact, it would be too much to deal with, except that you can search or sort based on:
· Latest fashions
· Retro styles
· Celebrity cuts
· Casual
· Formal
· Alternative
And even ‘updo’ styles!
Or, if you are like me and you saw a style on some celebrity and you want to look just like that, you can even search by name to see the different styles that woman has worn before!
If that’s not cool enough, I was trying to figure out how I could share a few different styles and colors with some friends when I stumbled on another feature on TheHairStyler.com called ‘My Hair-Your Say”. It’s an online feedback section where you can actually post different photos of yourself with your proposed new style and color, and other members of HairsStyler.com can vote on it.
It’s a little daunting at first..I was worried what everyone else would say, but when I saw the votes and comments pouring in, I realized that they were right. One hairstyle was much better than another, and it occurred to me that it’s hard for me to be objective about myself, and even my friends might be worried about saying exactly what they are thinking.
I mean, we are women after all, and sometimes we can be pretty brutal to one another. But over the web, there were no petty comments or resentments, just honest feedback from one woman to another trying to help each other out. A few even encouraged me to try different coloring or highlighting based on the lipstick I happened to be wearing in the photo!
“I realized that this online forum was even better than my dream; I could try
on any number of hairstyles or colors AND get feedback BEFORE
going to the salon!”
Hairstyler.com even allows unlimited uploads, so I was able to upload multiple pictures of myself and see how different hairstyles might look based on whether I had a tan during the summer or in formal clothes. It was incredible to realize that never again would I have to go to a salon dreading what I might come out looking like!
But don’t take my word for it, listen to what a few other ladies have to say!
"Your site is absolutely fabulous! I have chosen a hairstyle and am
waiting for the appointment! I can't thank you enough. Even the tips on styling
are making a huge difference to the appearance of my hair. Many, many
Anna - UK
"I think your website is great. It really opened my eyes to what hairstyles I should have and the ones I shouldn't!"
Vicki - USA
"I have spent way too much time today playing with all the hairstyles. For the first time in my life I will walk in to the salon and know exactly what I want. Thanks!"
Callie from Salem (MA) - USA
"Thank you! I for the first time went "shorter" and I love it. If it had not been for this, I would not feel so comfortable with my hair for the first time in many years!!!"
Becky from Kansas City (MO) - USA
But the Virtual Hairstyler isn’t all that you can get on
Hairstlyer.com Members also receive
access to an archive of articles on hair, hair products, hairstyles and color,
haircutting tips and more.
Plus, you can access
professional stylists and get their expert advice on anything hair related! Imagine having your own expert stylist ‘on
call’ to answer your questions!
But that’s not all…
If you’ve had the same
difficulty I have finding a truly competent stylist, you might want to access
the Salon Directory, a listing of salons other members have recommended, so you
know you’re getting access to professionals who really care about your needs!
Just imagine…a few
minutes from now you could be experimenting with a new hairstyle, even a new
color, from the comfort of your home and without the time, expense and
frustration normally associated with trying something new.
And…you don’t have to
worry about living with something that just didn’t work out for you, because
the fix for a bad cut or color on TheHairStyler.com is just to start over
again…as easy as deleting an email and writing a new one! No more dreading going out of the house with
a cut and color gone bad…those days are gone forever!
The best part of
TheHairStyler.com is the cost…while you might spend $50, $75 or even $100 on a
trip to the salon, TheHairStyler.com is FREE!
Three months of
unlimited access to everything TheHairStyler.com has to offer is only…
I bet you’ve spent more
than that just on shampoo in the last month!
Get the look you’ve been craving…because TheHairStyler.com lets you instantly
and with pinpoint accuracy know precisely the best cut and color for
It doesn’t matter
whether you’ve never been to a professional salon before or whether like me
you’ve wasted thousands of dollars sitting in that awful chair, anxiously
awaiting the final ‘result’. With
TheHairStyler.com all the
experimentation comes in a virtual form in the comfort and privacy of your home.
You can even ‘wear’
that style for a few days, sharing with your friends, significant other and
members on the forum to make sure it’s what you want. No more crying over your hair girls!
And get this…TheHairStyler.com offers a 100%
money-back guarantee. Try out hundreds, maybe thousands of different combinations of style and colors for 7 days, and if you can’t find one that works for you, that perfect haircut that makes your girlfriends jealous, then they’ll refund your money, no questions
Try walking into an upscale salon
with a world-famous stylist and ask him if you
can get your money back if you’re not happy. Good luck with that!
I do want to warn
you…not every stylist appreciates having a customer come in who knows exactly what she wants. A lot of these folks went to school to learn
how to cut hair but fashion themselves as experts on anything hair related and
pride themselves on having desperate women beg them for advice, so you
might have to shop around to find someone who is really willing to listen to you
and give you what you want.
If you bring in the
pictures you’ve put together and they say something like, “We’ll see” or “I’ll
do my best”, jump out of the chair and run away as fast as you can! What you deserve is someone who says, “I
understand, I’ll do exactly what you want!”
So you have nothing to
lose…but a gorgeous new hairstyle and color that will leave your friends
open-mouthed in envy that you got the ‘perfect do’. Try it out today!
Best wishes,
Sarah Campbell
Mesa, AZ
P.S. I almost forgot…while most of the members are
women, TheHairStyler.com also has lots of resources for guys, so the boys can
try on different haircuts and colors and access all of the same features as us
girls. Try it out guys, you have nothing
to lose!